27th April 2022 - Abercus presents to CIBSE BSG on the validation of simulation models for real world applications

25th July 2022 - Abercus' article published in NAFEMS Benchmark magazine on the F1 bouncing cars episode and what it means in terms of validation of engineering simulation

25th August 2022 - Abercus technical director Dr Steve Howell confirmed as confirmed as the new Chair of NAFEMS Computational Fluid Dynamics Working Group

20th September 2022 - Abercus presents at IMechE Simulation and Modelling on Formula 1 and the class of 2022: bouncing cars and what it means in terms of digital twins and the validation of engineering simulation

27th September 2022 - Abercus presents at IMechE HQ on improving fire safety through simulation and modelling

26th October 2022 - Abercus contributes to the special edition of NAFEMS Benchmark magazine marking the centenary of CFD!